David Catá
Spain, 1988
David Catá writes with needle and thread the story of his life on his own body. It is an autobiographical diary that he makes on the skin of the palm of his hand, an action marked by his mother’s profession as a seamstress that seduced him since his childhood. The stitches and sutures made on his body are a metaphor of the indissoluble symbiosis between the passage of time and oblivion, an imprint on his own skin to remember. Through these performative actions he creates images with colored threads sewn superficially on the epidermis, which he contextualizes in different series, representing all those images, emotions and feelings that have marked him throughout his life.
Horizons is an open series started in 2017, so far composed of eight works in which David Catá sews those landscapes that are presented to him ready to be discovered and, through a performative and ephemeral action, records them through photography and video. These works create a confrontation between the past and the uncertainty of the future. They are scenarios that define the artist emotionally and become the stage of his story, creating a mimesis between the landscape and his body, his horizon and that of the artist himself.
David Catá, Graduated in Fine Arts at the Faculty of Pontevedra. Master in concept and creation photography at EFTI (Madrid). He has done workshops with Alejandro Castellote, Chema Madoz, Ciuco Gutiérrez, Eugenio Ampudia, Fernando Marcos, Jesús Micó, Matt Siber, Miguel Oriola, Olaf Martens and Peter Bialobrzeski. His work has won many awards and has been included in important exhibitions.