Pedro Marighella


Pedro Marighella’s (Salvador, 1979) main interests are looking at cultural, social, and historical processes, highlighting the critical potential of entertainment, research that is materialized in projects of visual arts, design, and music. Selected projects include a commissioned work for 3rd Bienal da Bahia, in 2014 and group exhibitions such as A Nova Mão Afro Brasileira, Museu Afro Brasil, 2013, and Axé Bahia at the Fowler Museum (UCLA), in 2018. In 2020 joined MASP – Museu de Arte de São Paulo’s permanent collection with a commissioned work in the context of the exhibition “Histórias da Dança”, and in 2023 Pedro produces a large-scale work for the permanent collection of Museu Afro Brasil.

Da série “Contra-ataque”, 2023
Acrilica sobre lona.